I’m a best-selling, award-winning author who has published 10 books, some for general readership and others for professional readership. Many have been translated into multiple languages.
All of the books are on a table in my waiting room. A patient came in once and asked, “Did you know that there are books written by someone with the same name as you?” Not only was he unaware of my published books, he was a bit nonplussed!
Some patients come to me because they’ve read my book, while others through word of mouth. I write because I want to share what I’ve learned with a larger audience.
The Good Enough Teen
Raising Adolescents with Love and Acceptance (Despite How Impossible They Can Be)
When No One Understands
Letters to a Teenager on Life, Loss, and the Hard Road to Adulthood
Things Just Haven't Been the Same
Making the Transition from Marriage to Parenthood
(William Morrow)